
Massage , Anyone ?

It's astonishing to note the proliferation of spas and massage shops . It's a testament to the emphasis for good living . I recently bought some massaging stuffs . I said some because it's more than one . And progressive at that .I started with a handheld one being peddled on the shopping channel . It was dissapointing. It's good on TV but it doen'nt do the work . Then I tried the one you put on your seat . Titilating at best but hardly powerful to really massage one's tired body .
Recently , I graduated to the expesnive one . The I Joy massage chair ( photo ) . It really does a decent job . And different types of massages too. I like the Shiatsu best . It's not the top of the line ( I think the Panasonic is ) but nevertheless it costs in the hundreds. I bought mine at Linens And Things . But I guess nothing beats the human hands . Every so often , my wife still visits the massage clinic . It's good that it's covered by insurance now . I wonder how much it will cost us to bring someone to do our massaging . Like IM . Instant Massager .


yellowdoggranny said...

a good massage is better than sex..but it looks like you could have sex in that chair...that could be fun..

mckait said...

i have a good friend.. two actually.. who are massage therapists.. yet.. have never had a massage.

I get them for my daughter now and then as a gift.. espceially when she is at the ARE in Virgina..

Don't think the chair would do it for me.,.

i crave touch..
touch is healing and loving..

no one touches me ever..

there is not toucher in my life.. no partner, lover .. toucher..

it actually hurts physically when one goes untouched..


john said...

y.g.- great idea . it can double as a love seat !

kath - i bet . you need one who has soft hands .