
Words That Cut Like A Knife .

Alec Badwin is in a lot of trouble.His idiotic message which he left in his daughter's machine was released to the media by someone ( his estranged wife, Kim Bassiner , denied doing it ) causing angry reactions from just about everyone. His rant was no doubt idiotic as well considering they ( Alec and Kim) are locked in custody battle. That's not the point though.I was forced to look back at similar loss of control I exhibited as a parent when the boys were young . I'm no Alec but in fits of anger , I was guilty as hell. How do I correct these mistakes years after , I asked myself. It's important that I do that. Should I issue an apology letter like governments do now for wrong actions the previous ruling parties did ? I feel so guilty because as in recalling my mistakes as a parent flashbacks of similar wrong treatments I got from my parents as a kid came flooding my memory.How hurt I was then. Even up to now. Somehow the hurtful words seemed so fresh. That's why I'm not in agreement with a certain TV host when she used a line from a song to justify Alec's mistake . She said , ' stick and stones may break my bones but words don't bother me '. My parents' hurtful words not only bothered me .These words still haunt me .


Ellen said...

Boy, oh boy..... I try not to think of the stupid things I've said to my son in the past. I might have to take a little walk to the cooler to scream out the madness if I did.

What makes me wonder about all this is, who leaked the cell message? If the intent was to make Baldwin look bad, it did....but then we knew he had a temper anyway. The custody battle has been going on for almost 7 years now. By the time it ever gets settled, Ireland will be old enough to go her own way. Let's hope that the scars from this fade for her sake.

che said...

words may if used correctly
will heal the weak and might.
but spread around like rumours.
they pierce even the toughest armor.

john said...

Ellen / It is reported that Alec will quit showbiz or at least his NBC show to focus on the issue of parental rights for men Good for him.

Che / Nice poem .

Penguin said...

Unfortunately, with all the parenting help-books out there, not one of them has been personalized for each parent/child relationship.
We all make mistakes as parents - whether we have one child or 22 - no two people or situations are exactly the same. We, as parents, grow, learn, change, too.
As long as our children know that we love them and did what we thought was the right thing to do at the time, they will come out just fine.
When your son is old enough, you can explain to him those things you believe you did "wrong", in the hopes of helping him be a good parent.

john said...

Penguin / One can only hope the kids will understand.