
Things Move On

It's funny that sometimes you think that things will remain the same.They don't.The only thing constant is change. It's proven time and time again.There was this female friend of mine who was in love with a married guy.I would'nt say she's madly in love but he adored the guy very much.Then the guy decided to say goodbye to her when he transferred location.Naturally,she's heartbroken.She decided to go somewhere to try her luck in another country . I'm sure she did that too as she to forget her lost love .Fast forward 8 years after. I received an e mail from her.She said she is doing very well and that she got a new condo with a clubhouse . She also wrote that she got a great job and is very pleased with how things turned out for her in the new location. ' Life is good ' she added in her e mail.
I thought about the girls in my past who swore that they will die if I leave them or something like that.It's safe to say that they are alive too and doing a good job as mothers to their children residing in their beautiful homes somewhere !


Ellen said...

It's amazing how life goes on despite the things we think will "kill" us. I'm glad to hear your friend was able to pick herself up by the bootstraps, and go out in the world to do good things, rather than to end up a statistic. She really did end up on the better end of revenge.

Lee Ann said...

Life, change, emotions, love, hurting, loneliness...some of the harder things in life.
She is a very strong person to move to a new country and start fresh. Very admirable.

Lee Ann said...

Have a good night John!

john said...

ellen / agree. she's gutsy.women are not as fragile as they look.they are tougher than men in a lot of ways.

lee ann / yes.i admire her very much.career women are tops with me.

becky / lol. these are girls long time ago.nothing serious really.