
Hilary Or Ophra

No . Ophra is not actually running for President . Ophra is assuming the role of a kingmaker . The TV Queen is openly endorsing 1st time Senator Obama . Obama is in some sort of a media blitz appearing in her show , in Larry King's and countless other shows . I just know that I watched Obama in these 2 shows . Even the latest Time magazine , he's there on the cover. The man is all over the place . Actually , the charismatic Senator is an interesting read . It will great to see the Hilary camp's strategy vs. him to gain the nomination of the Democratic party in 2008 .
Well , Hilary debated I don't know his name last Friday in NY. She has a wide lead over I don't know his name ( 63%/27%) and her campaign chest is a whooping $ 15 million vs. $500 thou of I don't know his name ! She can certainly channel the leftover to her presidential campaign . At least it would an interesting contest in 2008 rather than the battle now for NY senatorial seat between Hilary and I don't know his name .


yellowdoggranny said...

i would vote for barak obama in a new york city second...if nothing else just to hear people say:the president of the united states barak obama....
ah, shit..it's just too perfect..
although i dont mean to say he wouldnt make a good president..cause i think he would..and i pray that ole hilary just stays up there in ny...

lightfeather said...

I am so glad I found this site on my meandering path this morning! I was hoping that the dems would fast track Obama after the last election. I had given up hope. My hope has been restored and life is good!

Penguin said...

My husband and I were discussing this topic this morning. I'm wondering if the United States is ready for/will elect a not-white-person or a woman...or if most people are too stuck in their thoughts of the good-ol-boys gittin' deh job durn.

Interesting topic.

Ellen said...

I hope they don't run Hillary as their candidate, because that would force me to vote Republican... and I'm not too happy with them right now either.

Interesting that Obama is a big name right now, and it doesn't hurt that Oprah is endorsing him. I'd like to see where he stands on the issues, and will have to be more careful in my channel surfing to catch him on TV.

john said...

Y.D. - I hear ya !

Lighfeather - Welcomw here . You think Obama is the saviour huh . U r not alone !

Penguin - I heard yesterday ( Tues ) that the people are tired of same 'ol thing . Lets see !

Ellen - Yup . He's still not clear on most issues . I know however that he admitted ( Time mag ) smoking dope and trying heroin . Interesting !