
Building A New House

It's funny when you are building a new house. Suddenly , you are into the nitty gritty of things. From the type of counters to the color of tiles. The wooden floor can be challenging . Looks like there's a million stains to choose from . I just gave up on making decisions. I let my wife do that . Of course , she makes sure to ask me.
Another transformation in me is the TV programs I patronize. Lots of home building and house deco shows are must see TV now. Spent hours and hours of watching them . Suddenly , Ty is your fav TV personality . You know , that exteme home makeover guy. I heard he's paid tons of money to do the program . There is a role model for little kids . Before , that's a definite no no for a career - carpentry. Now , it's not too bad . From the fun side .

1 comment:

coach said...

What a new house ? Fun but hard work.